The Colours of Freedom


Published on : 18-08-2021

The tricolour soars high in the sky

I feel proud, isn't it obvious Why!

It touches the horizon, to awaken the mind

Hold high the torch, leaving all behind

Standing tall even in the rains

With fields lush green flowering with crops and grains

Achievements and Medals adorn the sky

With pride and happiness I take a deep sigh

Oh my! What a moment,

When the flag goes up and I stand up to sing

The National Anthem, my eyes are teary

Not with grief but happiness and pride

Long live the tricolour and its beauty

Never shall it fade in rights and duties

We will walk the path to keep it high

With honesty and never a lie

You are my Nation you are my pride

Every challenge I shall take it in my stride


2021 marks the 75th Independence for India. It sounds like a holiday but right from childhood we were made to realize what liberty we enjoy. Today I understand that freedom means to simply fly, think, accept, forgive and embrace what the Nation offers with folded hands. Changing Governments, ideologies, new thoughts with new generations, pandemic, online transitions, and living a lockdown life all have come over a period of time with hundreds of more changes. What hasn't changed is the emotion for the National Anthem! Why? I love my country, I pledge to make it more accepting and moreover, I wish to see the new generations to value the freedom that just came to them. The Orange colour is the sacrifice not for awards but for the love of the Nation, the white says peace and acceptance and the green brings prosperity and fertility. The younger generation leads India with pride bringing in new thoughts, new ideas to uplift the underprivileged, making education important and relevant, more medical facilities and infrastructure, taking care of the armed forces, and eradicating corruption to move towards a clean and green India. Having won so many medals this year, we surely have achieved a milestone on our 75th Independence Day!  

Let this Independence teach us to be more tolerant towards each other, more embracing of the new ideologies, more forgiving and celebrating as one big family, meditate, pray and live in the present moment not forgetting what our forefathers did to get us this free life. While the lockdown was a natural step, and we feel claustrophobic, we can only but imagine what the British Rule must have been for freedom fighters. Let us value this freedom in the true sense and take pride in being a true Indian. We pledge to enjoy our rights, fulfill our duties, value each life, work towards the progress of the deprived, educate and liberate the society, become tolerate and evoke happiness at every step, eradicate hatred and communalism, value and nurture our future generations and most of all create a Nation of our dreams where the mind is fearless…

Jai Hind Jai Bharat!

 ~Ajita Tyagi

(HM Primary)