Personal Assignment Policy

At Raghav Global School, homework is an integral part of the teaching and learning that goes on in the classroom. At home too, learning becomes an essential part of a proper education to which all our children are entitled. Homework supports the development of independent learning skills, so that enquiry and investigation are seen as a fundamental part of learning process. If homework is assigned in a meaningful manner, in different degrees and quantities in relation to year of schooling, and in relation to the learning needs of students, it will have positive benefits to the learning process.

Guidelines for personal endeavors

i. There is consistent practice across all grades in setting, managing and marking homework
ii. There is a homework schedule which enables all teachers in assigning homework for their subjects
iii. Homework gets uploaded on ERP portal by individual subject teachers.
iv. Children’s roles and responsibilities are well defined and communicated.
v. Children may seek parental support for the extended learning but must do the work themselves.
vi. No formal homework is assigned from Nursery to Grade 2 as per CBSE Guidelines.
vii. There are high expectations for children in completing homework.
viii. Children receive prompt, clear feedback on their work.
ix. Parents contact the Class teacher/ Subject teachers in case of any queries related to homework.

Good Practices to be kept in mind by Parents:

♦ Parents are expected to ensure that the homework is being completed on a timely basis and in a non threatening environment and to assist the child, if needed, to reinforce the learning goals.

♦ We do not encourage private tuitions for our students and neither do we allow our school teachers giving private tuitions to their own students.

♦ Reading is one of the most fundamental and powerful at home practices for learning. Please read to your child and also assist them in reading at home, especially if you are a parent of a lower primary student (Grade 1 to 5).

♦ Children are expected to work independently on homework, including projects. We seek cooperation from parents of to be supportive with their little children in ensuring that homework assignments are completed in a fun and enjoyable way.