Students Responsibilities

Each student has the responsibility to : ♦ Respect the rights of others
♦ Maintain neat and clean personal clothing and hygiene
♦ Respect the property of others, including keeping all books, facilities and materials used in the school in good condition.
♦ Refrain from fighting, disruptive behaviour, acting in such a manner as to risk injury to others, using threats or intimidation against others, theft or any other unlawful activity.
♦ Be prompt to school and classes
♦ Refrain from inappropriate classroom behaviour
♦ Learn to preserve and protect environment in school.
♦ Refrain from possession, use or transmission of any alcoholic beverage, tobacco product or drugs.

At Assembly ♦ To be in designated area at the first bell.
♦ Lines to be formed immediately, no talking in groups.
♦ Listen attentively to announcements, presentations etc.
♦ Respect the speaker in the Assembly.
♦ Quick smart dispersal in lines to respective classes.

In Classrooms ♦ No running around, yelling across room throwing things across.
♦ No scribbling on the desks, walls, boards etc.
♦ To be respectful, courteous, and polite to classmates and teachers at all times.
♦ Stand and greet staff members/ guests who enter classroom.
♦ Do not leave classrooms without permission. Inform monitor and class teacher.
♦ All litter to be disposed off in the bin provided.
♦ Fans and lights to be switched off when leaving the room.
♦ Ensure that the furniture and things kept in the classroom are placed in the right place when enter and exit the room.
♦ Leave together in lines to Labs, Library, and P.E.
♦ Bulletin boards to be well- maintained and updated regularly.
♦ Nothing to be pasted inside or outside the classrooms without prior permission.

In the Hallways/Corridors ♦ Do not loiter around in the School corridors.
♦ Eating or sitting and talking in groups is prohibited in corridors
♦ Walk in lines at all times, quickly and smartly to the next class.
♦ No one to be found yelling across corridors for any reason at any point of time.
♦ Take care of corridor bulletin boards.
♦ Greet staff / guests in the hallways.
In Washrooms ♦ Turn off taps, when not in use. Always use water economically.
♦ Leave the washroom clean as a courtesy to the next student.
♦ Dispose of litter in the bins provided.
♦ Do not waste time standing in groups talking. Be mindful of others who need to use the facilities.
♦ Do not write/ scribble on the walls and doors.

In Library ♦ Food and drinks are not permitted in the library.
♦ The general expectation is that all activities in the library will be conducted in a quiet manner to avoid disturbing other library users.
♦ Furniture is placed for safety and maximum use of space. Do not move the furniture, including chairs in the computer or any other lab.
♦ Books to be placed back on the shelf after reading.
♦ Books not to be taken out of the library without being issued by the librarian.

During Recess ♦ Keep classroom and corridors safe, clean and quiet. Do not spill drinks, food.
♦ Do not leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher.
♦ Orderly lines at canteen. Dispose off litter correctly.
♦ Return to classrooms at first bell and be ready for the next class.
♦ Do not enter other classrooms.

In the Auditorium ♦ Disciplined behaviour at all the times.
♦ Move in neat lines from classrooms to auditorium.
♦ No talking during presentations / address by guest speakers / when the compere speaks.
♦ Disciplined, quick, orderly dispersal at the end.
♦ Co-operation and courtesy to be shown to all.

During Examinations ♦ Go directly to exam room.
♦ Sit quietly at specific desk, read quietly, prepare for exam.
♦ All bags, books etc to be left outside classroom in a neat line.
♦ No unfair means to be resorted to. No marks will be awarded if unfair means is used.
♦ Be prepared with own set of pens, pencils, geometry boxes etc, no borrowing / lending permitted.
♦ Any doubt in question paper or otherwise to be cleared with invigilator on duty.
♦ Talking to another student strictly not permitted.
♦ In case of any medical issue, an application authorized by the concerned authority to be submitted along with the medical certificate to the examiner.

Work Ethics ♦ To be regular, up-to-date with work done daily in class. ♦ Class work and home work to be diligently completed & handed in on time for correction.
♦ Carry notebooks and assignments as per timetable.
♦ Preparation for tests, assignments, examinations, competitions to be well-planned and organized.
♦ Notebooks must be neat and orderly. No unnecessary scribbling etc.
♦ Staying back beyond school hours require the requisite permission from parents, concerned teacher and supervisor.
♦ Change of residence, phone numbers to be intimated to school authorities immediately (Class Teacher / Admin Officer).
♦ Applications are to be written and signed by the parents when absent (short / long).

General ♦ No valuables to be brought to school.
♦ Mobiles, MP3 players, CD’s. Books (outside prescribed syllabus), magazines etc are strictly forbidden.
♦ Report to school in proper school uniform and well polished shoes.
♦ School phones are available for contacting parents.
♦ School bags should be neat, of a manageable size, well-maintained and must carry the books required for the day specifically.
♦ Communicate in English with their peers and teachers.
♦ Respect teachers through courteous language and conduct.

Punctuality ♦ Be regular and punctual to school every day.
♦ Regular attendance during the entire school year is of prime importance.

Some unacceptable behaviour choices ♦ Class work/ Homework/ project not completed or submitted on time.
♦ Text books / notebooks not brought as required.
♦ Constant distraction or lack of concentration.
♦ Running in corridors/ class.
♦ Chewing gum.
♦ Bullying/Fighting/Swearing/Bunking classes or school.
♦ Be late in reporting to class and absence without leave note.
♦ Bunk classes
♦ Eat or drink during teaching periods
♦ Fee defaulters.
♦ Disobedience/ Misbehaviour.
♦ Getting involved in arguments and fights (physical & verbal)
♦ Bringing unwanted literature/ equipment CD’s / mobile phones to school.
♦ Carry or wear accessories to school (coloured mufflers, warmers, Goggles etc)
♦ Untidy turnout.
♦ Using unfair means during examinations.
♦ Bringing valuables and large amount of cash.

Being late in reporting to school 1. Verbal Warning.
2. Parents to be informed.
3. Parents to be called and student to be sent home.
Running in the class and corridors and showing disobedience 1. Warning and extra assignments in the respective subjects.
2. Parents to be informed.
3. Memo
4. Suspension
Bullying, Fighting and using foul/abusive language and bunking classes 1. Written apology to go into the students records. One copy of the same to be retained by the class teacher.
2. Parents to be informed.
3. Memo
4. Suspension
School Uniform and Hair cut If any student’s uniform is not as per the standards and requirements of the school (as mentioned in the school almanac)
1. Verbal warning (twice)
2. Parents to be informed.
3. Student to be sent home.
Defaulter at work 1. Verbal warning
2. Withdrawal of break/P.E period.
3. Detention until work is finished.
4. Parents to be informed.
5. Community service to be decided by the school.
6. Memo

Positive and productive learning environments are key to student’s academic, emotional and social success in school. Teachers and parents need to work together as a team, towards creating the best possible learning environment for the child and foster physical, emotional and intellectual to develop it. Therefore, certain rules are necessary to make this possible.