Talent Clubs

Talent Clubs

A diverse programme for our learners towards promoting physical, personal, vocational and personality development. Discovering their innate talents, abilities and strengthening them with knowledge through constructive activities while learning in these ‘hands-on’ Club activities.

Art Education

RGS has a dedicated Art Studio where children learn different forms of art. They are encouraged to create their own drawings and craft work. Students take pride in taking up projects and showcasing their art skills on the walls of the School. Art appreciation, aesthetics, upcycling and recycling artwork for décor and for functional use is the adage of Art education in RGS.

Sports And Physical Education

RGS has a comprehensive physical education programme that enables children to adopt sporting skills from an early age. The curriculum is supported by visiting experts in various sports and games. Children from all grades enjoy playing football, cricket, badminton, hand ball and athletics. Other games such as chess, table-tennis, skating and martial arts enhance the spirit of competitiveness in our children.


The Environment Club strives to create awareness of the need for environmental preservation and sustainable use of natural resources. It further aims to create a ‘clean and green consciousness’ among students through various innovative methods, disaster management via various drills and practices.


The ‘do-it-yourself’ Club engages students in learning about the environmental benefits of Up-cycling and recycling things and learning a valuable new “hands-on” skill to retain, fix and value things efficiently, instead of buying new things as replacement.


Literary Club aims to inculcate among students a fondness for language and enhance their literary skills. The club will provide a platform for: Debating, Speech and Drama, Journalism, Mock Parliament, Moot Courts, MUN


Science, Astronomy and robotics club- The Club promotes the spirit of scientific enquiry and temperament in the student community. It aims to develop student's awareness and concern for scientific issues in personal, social, environmental and technological contexts.


To promote the art and aesthetics of photography, the club provides skill-based learning for those interested in photography thus enhancing their problem-solving skills, teamwork, creativity and technical knowledge in an engaging, collaborative way.


Theatre & Dramatics club is for developing creativity, communication skills through role-play, theatre in education, script writing, dialogue writing, dramatization and demonstration of verbal and non-verbal communication, social skills and interpersonal skills.


The club promotes awareness and involvement in heritage to inculcate a respect for diversity, tolerance, mutual understanding, patience and promote peaceful co-existence in our children. It inspires young children and encourages them to build a future through an understanding of the past and the present.


Music and Dance Club aims to preserve and promote performing arts, Indian Classical Music and Dance forms. It imparts methodical training of classical music and dance to promote and propagate ‘Guru-Shishya Parampara’, the soul of Indian Music tradition and the proven method for developing new generations of performing artists.